Friday, September 10, 2021

Friday's Funnies



Just saw on the news where the world champion tongue-twister was arrested. I hope they give the guy a tough sentence.




Most seniors never get enough exercise. In His wisdom God decreed that seniors become forgetful so they would have to search for their glasses, keys and other things thus doing more walking. And God looked down and saw that it was good.  Then God saw there was another need. In His wisdom He made seniors lose coordination so they would drop things requiring them to bend, reach, and stretch. And God looked down and saw that it was good.  Then God considered the function of bladders and decided seniors would have additional calls of nature requiring more trips to the bathroom, thus providing more exercise. God looked down and saw that it was good.  So if you find as you age, you are getting up and down more, remember it's all in your best interest even though you mutter under your breath.




A certain little girl, when asked her name, would reply, "I'm Mr. Sugarbrown's daughter." Her mother told her this was wrong, she must say, "I'm Jane Sugarbrown."  The pastor spoke to her in Sunday School, and said, "Aren't you Mr. Sugarbrown's daughter?"   She replied, "I thought I was, but mother says I'm not."


On The Ball

It was the first day of school, and the first grade teacher decided to see how much her students knew about math. "Dewey, can you tell me what is 3 and 2?" Dewey said, "That's when you should watch very, very carefully before you swing at the next pitch."

Substitute Teacher

Walking through the hallways at the middle school where I work, I saw a new substitute teacher standing outside his classroom with his forehead against a locker. I heard him mutter, "How did you get yourself into this?" Knowing that he was assigned to a difficult class, I tried to offer moral support. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Can I help?" He lifted his head and replied, "I'll be fine as soon as I get this kid out of his locker."

School Has Started....

Rushing to work, I was driving too fast and as a result was pulled over by the highway patrol. The state trooper noticed that my shirt had the name of a local high school on it. "I teach math there," I explained. The trooper smiled, and said, "Okay, here's a problem. A teacher is speeding down the highway at 16 m.p.h. over the limit. At $12 for every mile, plus $40 court costs, plus the rise in her insurance, what's her total cost?" I replied, "Taking that total, subtracting the low salary I receive, multiplying by the number of kids who hate math, then adding to that the fact that none of us would be anywhere without teachers, I'd say zero." He handed me back my license. "Math was never my favorite subject," he admitted. "Please slow down."


Young Johnny finished summer vacation and went back to school. Two days later his teacher phoned his mother to tell her that Johnny was misbehaving. "Wait a minute!" said Johnny's mom. "I had him here for two months and I never once called YOU when he misbehaved!"


Quotable Labor Day Reflections


"The reason why worry kills more people than work is that more people worry than work."  (Robert Frost)


"Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?"  (Edgar Bergen)


"Doing nothing is very hard to do. You never know when you're finished."  (Leslie Nielsen)




Mike and his mother were in the doctor's office for his pre-school physical. The receptionist, completing his medical history, asked, "What is your birthdate?" "February 25," Mike answered. "What year?" the receptionist asked. "Every year," was Mike's matter-of-fact reply.




A little girl visiting her neighbor was asked, "How many children are in your family?" "Seven," she answered. The neighbor observed that so many children must cost a lot of money. "Oh, no," the child responded. "We don't buy them. We raise them."


Is That All?


A man decides to join the circus. He shows up to demonstrate his skills to the impresario. "I have the most unusual act," he announces. "I'm sure it will amaze you." He climbs up to the high wire and jumps off! He flaps his arms wildly, and finally his fall slows. He soars upward, turns, and swoops back again. Finally, he stops in mid air and gently lowers himself to the ground. The impresario says, "Is that all you've got? Bird impressions?"


English Language


Before setting off on a business trip to Tulsa, I called the hotel where I'd be staying to see if they had a gym. The hotel receptionist's sigh had a tinge of exasperation in it when she answered.  "We have over 300 guests at this facility," she said. "Does this 'Jim' have a last name?"


Dad Joke


A perfectionist walked into a bar. Apparently, it wasn't set high enough.


Today’s Thought


95% of people are completely ignorant! Luckily, I'm in the other 10%.

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