Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday's Funnies

A Picnic Funny

The minister's little six-year-old girl had been so naughty during the week that her mother decided to give her the worst kind of punishment. She told her she couldn't go to the Sunday School Picnic on Saturday.  When the day came, her mother felt she had been too harsh and changed her mind. When she told the little girl she could go to the picnic, the child's reaction was one of gloom and unhappiness.  "What's the matter? I thought you'd be glad to go to the picnic." her mother said.  "It's too late!" the little girl said. "I've already prayed for rain."

Taking It Literally

Young David was playing on the floor singing at the top of his lungs. A neighbor came over to visit and said, "David, would you like to sing on the radio?" David looked up at her very solemnly and said, "No." "Why ever not?" she asked. "Because," he said, "I might fall off."


Steve phoned his dentist when he received a huge bill. "I'm shocked!" he complained. "This is three times what you normally charge." "Yes, I know," said the dentist. "But you yelled so loud, you scared away two other patients."

Doing as Told

I had just placed a cake on my kitchen counter and told my young son to keep his hands off the cake. I left the room and returned a short time later to find my son on a bar stool with both hands behind his back – but his mouth was on the cake. He was obeying me. He did not put his hands on the cake. I just hadn't thought to mention his mouth!

These are the laws of the natural universe

~ Law of Mechanical Repair: After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch.

~ Law of the Workshop: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.

~ Law of the Telephone: When you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal.

~ Variation Law: If you change lines or traffic lanes, the one you were in will start to move faster than the one you are in now.

~ Bath Theorem: When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.

~ Law of Lines: When you walk IN the grocery store, there's never anyone in the checkout line.

~ Law of the Result: When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.

~ Law of Bio mechanics: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.

~ Theater Law: At any event, the people whose seats are farthest from the aisle arrive last.

~ Law of Dirty Rugs/Carpets: The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor covering are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet/rug.

~ Von Fumbles Law: When one wishes to unlock a door but has only has one hand free, the keys are in the opposite pocket.

~ Law of Campbell's Oops: The probability that you will spill food on your clothes is directly proportional to your need to be clean.

~ Law of Fatal Irreversibility: After discarding something not used for years, you will need it one week later.


A farmer lived in Minnesota, right on the border with Iowa.  One day he saw a team of surveyors working along the road.  They measured and argued and measured again.  Finally they came up to the farm house.  "Sir, we have some news for you," they said. "It looks like the old map was completely wrong about the border.  Your farm is actually in Iowa!"  "That's wonderful!" cried the farmer, "No more of those terrible Minnesota winters!"

Holmes and Watson

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are hiking. They hiked all day long and then, having gotten tired, went to sleep in their tent.   Holmes wakes up deep at night, wakes Watson and says, "Watson, do you see the bright stars and do you notice how clear the sky is? What can you deduce from it?"  "Well, this clearly tells us the weather tomorrow is going to be dry and sunny."  "No Watson, it's simplier than that. It just means that somebody has stolen our tent."

Government in Action

The General Services Administration has experts who actually visit different agencies and suggest ways to streamline their day-to-day routines.  One such expert visited the Federal Communications Commission and suggested that they get rid of the clutter. He suggested, as a start, that they throw out all correspondence over ten years old.  The FCC director loved the idea and replied, "Good thought. But first, we'll have to make three copies of everything."

The Accident

My six-year-old grandson called his mother from his friend Charlie's house and confessed he had broken a lamp when he threw a football in their living room.  "But, Mom," he said, brightening, "you don't have to worry about buying another one. Charlie's mother said it was irreplaceable."

Today’s Thought

I don't need any tattoos. After all, you don't put bumper stickers on a Ferrari.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Friday's Funnies


A child comes home from his first day at school.  His mother asks, "Well, what did you learn today?"  The kid replies, "Not enough. They want me to come back tomorrow." 

The End is Near

A local priest and pastor stood by the side of the road holding up a sign that said, "The End is Near! Turn yourself around now before it's too late!"  They planned to hold up the sign to each passing car.  "Leave us alone you religious nuts!" yelled the first driver as he sped by.  From around the curve they heard a big splash. "Do you think," said one clergy to the other, "we should just put up a sign that says 'bridge out' instead?"

The Great Escape

A kangaroo kept getting out of his enclosure at the zoo. Knowing that he could hop pretty high, the zoo officials put up a ten-foot fence. However, the next morning the kangaroo was out again, just roaming around the zoo. The zoo officials raised the height of the fence to twenty feet. Again, however, the next morning the kangaroo was again roaming around the zoo. This kept on, night after night, until the fence was sixty feet high. Finally, the camel in the next enclosure asked the kangaroo, "How high do you think they'll go?" The kangaroo replied, "Probably a hundred feet, unless somebody starts locking the gate at night!!"

The Bible Means...

A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, "I know what the Bible means!" His father smiled and replied, "What do you mean, you 'know' what the Bible means?" The son replied, "I do know!" "Okay," said his father. "What does the Bible mean?" "That's easy, Daddy," the young boy replied excitedly. "It stands for ‘Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.'"

The Speeding Ticket

A man was speeding down the highway, feeling secure in a gaggle of cars all traveling at the same speed. However, as they passed a speed trap, he got nailed with an infrared speed detector and was pulled over. The officer handed him the citation, received his signature and was about to walk away when the man asked, "Officer, I know I was speeding, but I don't think it's fair. There were plenty of other cars around me going just as fast, so why did I get the ticket?" "Ever go fishing?" the policeman suddenly asked the man. "Ummm, yeah... so," the startled man replied. The officer grinned and added, "Ever catch ALL the fish?"

The Offering

On one particular Sunday, the pastor was emphasizing the importance of everyone giving their tithes and offerings. He went on to challenge the people to give enthusiastically because 2 Corinthians 9:7 says in it that "God loves a cheerful giver." As the plate was passed, a little boy in the second pew, quickly slipped off his neck tie and placed it into the offering plate. His mother, absolutely mortified, asked him what in the world he thought he was doing. The boy replied, "The pastor said put your ties in the offering plate and do it joyfully. I love that man!"

Age is a Funny Thing

Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions.

"How old are you?"
"I'm 4 and half."

You're never 36 and a half, but you are 4 and a half going on 5! That's the key. You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number.

"How old are you?"
"I'm gonna be 16."

You could be 12, but you're gonna be 16.

And then the greatest day of your life happens: you become 21. Even the words sounds like a ceremony--you BECOME 21. YES!!!! But then you turn 30. Ooohhh, what happened here?? Makes you sound like bad milk. He TURNED. We had to throw him out. There's no fun now. What's wrong?? What changed???

You BECOME 21,
you TURN 30,
then you're PUSHING 40...stay over there, it's all slipping away...

You BECOME 21,
you TURN 30,
you're PUSHING 40,
you REACH dreams are gone...

You BECOME 21,
you TURN 30,
you're PUSHING 40,
you REACH 50
and then you MAKE IT to 60...Whew! I didn't think I'd make it.

You BECOME 21,
you TURN 30,
you're PUSHING 40,
you REACH 50,
you MAKE IT to 60,
and by then you've built up so much speed, you HIT 70!

After that, it's a day-by-day thing. You HIT Wednesday, you get into your 80s, you HIT lunch.

I mean my grandmother won't even buy green bananas: "Well it's an investment, you know, and maybe a bad one."

And it doesn't end there...into the 90's, you start going backwards: I was JUST 92. Then a strange thing happens, if you make it over 100, you become a little kid again: I'm 100 and a half!!  Age is a funny thing.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Friday's Funnies

Happy Mother’s Day

At 6 years old, "Mommy, I love you."
At 10 years old, "Mom, whatever"
At 16, "My mom is so annoying."
At 18, "I wanna leave this house."
At 25, "Mom, you were right."
At 30, "I wanna go to Mom's house"
At 50, "I don't wanna lose my Mom."
At 70, "I would give up anything for my mom to be here with me."

10 Things A Mom Doesn't Want To Hear

1. I swallowed a goldfish.
2. Your lipstick works better than crayons.
3. Does grape juice leave a stain???
4. The principal called...
5. But DAD says that word all the time.
6. What's it cost to fix a window???
7. Has anyone seen my earthworms???
8. I painted your shoes pretty, huh Mommy?
9. The dog doesn't like dressing up in your clothes.
10. I'm moving out. (Well, maybe some days.)

Mother's Day Wish

A mother asked her small son what he would like for his birthday. "I want a little brother," the boy said. "Oh my, that's such a big wish," said the mother. "Why do you want a little brother?" "Well," the boy said, "there's only so much I can blame on the dog."

Why God Made Moms

Why God Made Moms Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions:

Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.

How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2. God made my Mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.

What kind of little girl was your mom?
1. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
2. They say she used to be nice.

What did Mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook?
2. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?

Why did your Mom marry your dad?
1. My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world and my Mom eats a lot.
2. My grandma says that Mom didn't have her thinking cap on.

Who's the boss at your house?
1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goof ball.
2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed.
3. I guess Mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.

What's the difference between Moms and dads?
1. Moms work at work and work at home and dads just go to work at work.
2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller and stronger, but Moms have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friend's.
4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.

If you could change one thing about your Mom, what would it be?
1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid of that.
2. I'd make my Mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did it and not me.
3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back of her head.

What We Said Differently to Mom and Dad Growing Up:

— To Mom —
  • I'm hungry...
  • I'm cold...
  • I'm hot...
  • Can I have...
  • I want to watch...
  • Where are you?
  • Can you ask Dad?
  • Can you help me...
  • He punched me...
  • She scratched me...
  • I want to go there...
  • When are we...?
  • Why are we...?
  • Why can't we...?
— To Dad —
  • Where's mom?
Today’s Thought

If you work all day and you never get paid, you’re a Mom!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday's Funnies


A young woman brought her fiancé home to meet her parents. After dinner, her mother told her father to find out about the young man. The father invited the fiancé to his study for a talk.  "So what are your plans?" the father asked the young man.  "I am a biblical scholar," he replied.  "A biblical scholar, hmmm?" the father said. "Admirable, but what will you do to provide a nice house for my daughter to live in?"  "I will study," the young man replied, "and God will provide for us."  "And how will you buy her a beautiful engagement ring, such as she deserves?" asked the father.  "I will concentrate on my studies," the young man replied, "God will provide for us."  "And children?" asked the father. "How will you support children?"  "Don't worry, sir, God will provide," replied the fiancé.  The conversation proceeded like this, and each time the father questioned, the young idealist insisted that God would provide.  Later, the mother asked, "How did it go, honey?"  The father answered, "He has no job and no plans, and he thinks I'm God."

Best Out-OF-Office E-mail Relies

1. I am currently out at a job interview and will reply to you if I fail to get the position. Be prepared for my mood.

2. You are receiving this automatic notification because I am out of the office.  If I was in, chances are you wouldn't have received anything at all.

3. I will be unable to delete all the unread, worthless emails you send me until I return from vacation on September 30th.  Please be patient and your mail will be deleted in the order it was received.

4. Thank you for your email.  Your credit card has been charged $10.99 for the first ten words and $5.99 for each additional word in your message.

5. The e-mail server is unable to verify your server connection and is unable to deliver this message. Please restart your computer and try sending again. (The beauty of this is that when you return, you can see how many in-duh-viduals did this over and over).

6. Thank you for your message, which has been added to a queuing system. You are currently in 352nd place, and can expect to receive a reply in approximately 19 weeks.

The Painless Dentist

When a new dentist set up in town he quickly acquired a reputation of being the 'Painless' dentist. However, a local little girl called Veronica disputed his claim.  "He's a fake!" Veronica told her friends. "He's not painless at all.  When he stuck his finger in my mouth, I bit him, and he screamed like anyone else!"

Job Interview

Before my son could start going on job interviews, he needed to dress the part. That, he decided, required a $500 suit.  "What!?" I answered, gagging at the price tag. "I've bought cars for $500!"  "That's why I want the $500 suit," he said. "So I don't have to drive $500 cars."

Suggested List Price

A farmer had been swindled several times by the local car dealer. One day, the car dealer informed the farmer that he was coming over to purchase a cow. The farmer priced his unit as follows:

Basic cow                                   $499.95
Shipping and handling                        35.75
Extra stomach                                79.25
Two-tone exterior                            142.10
Produce storage compartment                  126.50
Heavy duty straw chopper                     189.60
Four spigot/high output drain system         149.20
Automatic fly swatter                        88.50
Genuine cowhide upholstery                   179.90
Deluxe dual horns                            59.25
Automatic fertilizer attachment              339.40
4 x 4 traction drive assembly                884.16
Pre-delivery wash and comb                   69.80

FARMERS SUGGESTED LIST PRICE:                $2843.36
Additional dealer adjustments:               300.00

TOTAL LIST PRICE (including options):        $3143.36


A husband has to go away on a business trip. Really bad timing - his wife is about to deliver a set of twins (boy & girl).  Sure enough, she goes into labor the minute his plane takes off. So his brother takes her to the hospital. She has a rough labor and it takes a long time to recover her communication skills.   But the hospital needs names for the babies before they can release them from the hospital. So it's up to the new uncle (who is known to be quite a prankster) to name them.   When the husband finally comes home, he is a bit worried about what his brother named his children. So he carefully asks his wife what are their names.  She replied, "Well, he named our daughter Denise."   "Hey, that's not so bad" he says and smiles.  "I know, but he named your son Denephew!"

City Slicker

City slicker: "Look at that bunch of cows."
Farmer: "Not bunch ... herd."
City slicker: "Heard what?"
Farmer: "Herd of cows."
City slicker: "Sure I've heard of cows."
Farmer: "No, a cow herd."
City slicker: "Why should I care what a cow heard? I've got no secrets from a cow." 

Today’s Thought

If you think nobody cares whether you're alive, try missing a couple of monthly payments.